What a shitty, shitty few years Hollywood has been having. Billions of dollars in revenue from movies that appeal to 15-year-old boys high on energy drinks and lacrosse rapes have effectively drained all of the blood from intelligent storytelling by rendering it impotent, with very few exceptions notwithstanding. Don't believe me? Here's a list of things I just pulled off the top of my head.
- Johnny Depp has played the same character six times now (Jack Sparrow x4, Tonto, Mad Hatter).
- Arnold Schwarzenegger looks like my grandfather and the world hates him now.
- The Expendables is a profitable franchise.
- Twilight and Hunger Games are blatantly redundant.
- Sequels and remakes that beat their own concepts to death consistently still dominate at the box office, despite their quality.
I'll address those points specifically, as well as rant about how goddamn horrible we are as a species.