Are the "conservative, moral" Americans falling short on people to berate? I mean, if preserving the sanctity of marriage in the eyes of "God," is the goal then shouldn't you be just as angry at those who have premarital sex (everyone), Britney Spears (divorced after 55 hours of marriage), Kim Kardashian (divorced after 72 days of marriage), and almost 50% of all the other Americans who are currently or have been married?
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This couple? Also not married. |
The politicians who judge others and rail against liberals and progressive values and "immoral behavior?" They tell their wives, kids, and the fucking state that they govern that they are going hiking across Appalachia when they're really traveling to South America to bang their mistress (Gov. Mark Sanford, right-wing mouthpiece for conservative values). Right-wing researchers hired by conservatives to use their education and privilege as a means to push their uneducated and personally biased opinions into legislation? Takes a two-week European vacation as an opportunity to fuck a male prostitute for the entire two weeks. (Dr. George Alan Rekers, disgraced conservative quack-doctor out to prove that the faggots are destroying society. Maybe crushing another dude's colon was just research?)
I understand that these are isolated incidents, and I also understand that there are literally just as many fucked-up people on the liberal left. So why don't we quit playing tug-of-war and work together on the really big issues that will actually lead us to disaster rather than harping on stuff that doesn't? Can't we agree that there's actually not going to be bands of rainbow-clad homosexual gangs in the future (descended from same-sex marriages and adoptions) that roam the streets at night looking for children to fuck and turn gay?
Can't we agree that even if it were true and gay parents produced gay kids, that the result is still better than leaving more kids as orphans and letting the state raise them? It is not a secret that the states do not know how to raise kids. And I don't want to hear the stories about "that one guy," or "that kid," that was orphaned, raised in multiple foster homes to grow up into a successful surgeon or whatever other shit. You know why you ever even heard of that story? The same reason you'd hear about scientists growing a human ear on a mouse; it is fucking amazing. Amazing and uncommon. Most kids in foster care, especially bouncing from home to home, turn out to be criminals and\or lead weights on society and\or generally FUBAR-ed.
Can't we agree that even if it were true and gay parents produced gay kids, that the result is still better than leaving more kids as orphans and letting the state raise them? It is not a secret that the states do not know how to raise kids. And I don't want to hear the stories about "that one guy," or "that kid," that was orphaned, raised in multiple foster homes to grow up into a successful surgeon or whatever other shit. You know why you ever even heard of that story? The same reason you'd hear about scientists growing a human ear on a mouse; it is fucking amazing. Amazing and uncommon. Most kids in foster care, especially bouncing from home to home, turn out to be criminals and\or lead weights on society and\or generally FUBAR-ed.
I am an agnostic at best (not a nihilist, because those men are cowards*) so religion seems very goofy to me anyway. But I do remember something that some guy said in some religious book, something like,