Please don't think that I am some anti-establishment anarchist or a left-wing maniac. I support anyone's position as long as they have actually taken the time to develop a position for themselves rather than following along with whatever they hear. Just because Barack Obama or Glenn Beck tell you that something is true, you don't have to believe it. Do some research and figure out if they're full of shit.
While cruising the internet today, I came across an interesting post. It was about all of the various chemicals found in the flu vaccine, including formaldehyde, animal blood, and other garbage. In response to this, a bunch of suburban moms posted several statements that I would like to quote because their words are better than mine. Behold:
"My 81 year old mother got very ill from the H1H2 flu shot last year. She developed shingles and then severe depression. She is not the same any more. Something bad happened to her."
Can you believe that this person is insinuating that her grandmother got depression from a flu shot and not the fact that she is nearing the end of her life and all that includes, such as: facing mortality, dementia, blah-blah-blah? Could she be feeling bad because she's eighty-fucking-one? And thousands of people develop shingles every year! It must be the flu shot! Fuck me, this kind of stupidity needs to be euthanized.
"Lesley I can answer your question. Its b/c your grandparents have not been given these shots on a regular basis since birth. That's the new norm. They were lucky enough not have their immune system compromised."
I was going to post the following, but did not because it's not my place to educate morons and because I don't like arguing with people who have absolutely no leg stand on in the argument. Anyways, here is what I was going to say:
"No, the flu, measles, and pertussis are killing your children. Fast food contains much more hazardous shit in much higher doses than vaccines, but it's easier not to get a shot than to stay away from the Mac-Shack. It's this kind of fear-mongering that has caused the resurgence of polio, measles, and smallpox, amongst others. And if you know anything about science, you know that these vaccines contain dead virus strains, and sometimes not even entire strains, than cannot ever make one sick. You can have a mild reaction to the medium, such as whatever is contained in this 'list,' but not an actual infection, least of all, depression (which is not an infection, you idiot).
"I'll roll the dice on myself and my family getting localized swelling at the injection site and a low-grade fever for an evening versus a fever causing permanent, irreparable brain damage or death from a flu, hepatitis, measles, mumps, rubella, swine flu, yada, yada, ... Even if your doctor doesn't advise vaccines or get them themselves (I work with a few who don't), they still know that all of these perceived 'dangers' and 'side effects' of vaccines are rubbish. In the case of my coworkers, they just simply don't like shots!"
Are we really living in such a prosperous and disillusioned time that we are prepared to start boycotting the fruits of our technological advancements? We are so fancy in this day and age that we are willing to turn back the clock on society in a day in age where we put all of our faith in God and healthy eating rather than actual facts.
This is what I find hard to understand; we are told from the time of our birth how important getting a good education is. We go to school for the better part of 20 years to learn the concepts, ideas, and technologies pored over and developed by those that preceded us. Then we get out on our own and come up with retarded shit like not taking vaccines because they are dangerous.
Now, I know that these people read the same information I did growing up. While we may not have gone to school for the same things in college, we understand the basic underpinnings of science at a certain age. We entrust those who did go to school for this shit specifically to make vaccines and other treatments the safest way possible. If we didn't trust in scientific fact, then why would we send our kids to the schools to learn science or go to the schools ourselves? What the fuck is wrong with America?
Look, you are entitled to do whatever it is you want to do. I have a son and I am the only non-physician person I trust to take care of him. That being said, I also trust in his pediatrician as he is a person who has gone to school for a very long time to learn how to take care of the children in the medical sense.
I'm not saying that every doctor is right every time, but chances are that they are correct about this kind of shit more than I am. So when he tells me to get a shot from my son, or my physician tells me to get a shot for myself, I do it. I don't ask questions. That's my prerogative.
Unfortunately, we are talking about viruses here. Meaning that if I go get my shot, I am protected from the most dangerous strains of the flu identified in the year. This is a common thing overlooked by the general population. Every idiot who says, "Oh, I don't get the flu shot because it makes me sick every time," is an asshole. It does not make you sick. You can have a minor reaction, a fever or a headache or fatigue for a day, but not the flu you fucking boob.
And if you do get the flu, guess what? There are several strains going around at any given time. You've been vaccinated against the ones most likely to kill you. Meaning whatever you've got, it could be way fucking worse. But the bad part about the Hive-Minders is that they don't get their shots, they get the violent strains, and the violent strain has more opportunities to mutate. Then they spread around these juiced-up viruses, things like avian flu or swine flu and many people die unnecessarily.
Listen, if you don't like the way we do things here in the States, then pack your shit and get the fuck out. Yes, you have the right to not get shots if you don't want. You even have the right to voice your opinions about all the "dangers" of vaccines, too. But when you get violently ill, it's your ass that asks for antibiotics (which don't work against viruses) and propagates resistant bacterial strains. It's your ass that gets put in the hospital for 2 months for H1N1 infection and goes bankrupt because of hospital bills, then leans on the system for help, all the while the H1N1 vaccine was available. It's your ass that makes the flu season unnecessarily dangerous for yourself, your family, and totally innocent bystanders who have nothing to do with you and your "rights."
It's your ass that needs to head over to Africa and live there. Those people would cut your goddamn face off to have vaccines available to themselves and their families. But they aren't readily available over there; you'd love it. And when you get hepatitis / mumps / rubella / measles / HPV / flu / pertussis / polio / smallpox / diphtheria / tetanus / encephalitis / whatever, you'll be fine because at least you didn't get a vaccine with all of those harmful things in it.
A fellow educated person posted this comment on the aforementioned post:
"Oh, that's total crap, written by some granola against vaccines... without vaccines, many more would be dying from preventable disease!"
To which I replied:
"Agreed. The flu is the #1 infectious killer of humans, bar none. First-world countries have greatly reduced the number of flu-related deaths because we have vaccines. Do we want to join the ranks of Africa in flu deaths because of fear-mongering like this? When did the last person die of mercury/antifreeze/phenol/animal blood/animal viruses/formaldehyde poisoning from a vaccine? That was back in nineteen-ninety-NEVER."